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Table 11 CLASS dimensions by domain

From: Failing to notice? Uneven teachers’ attention to boys and girls in the classroom




Emotional support

Positive climate

Reflects overall emotional tone of classroom and connection between teachers and students

Negative climate

Reflects overall level of expressed negativity in classroom between teachers and students (e.g., anger, aggression, irritability)

Teacher sensitivity

Encompasses teachers’ responsivity to students’ needs and awareness of students’ level of academic and emotional functioning

Classroom management

Behavior management

Encompasses teachers’ ability to use effective methods to prevent and redirect misbehavior by presenting clear behavioral expectations and minimizing time spent on behavioral issues


Considers how well teachers manage instructional time and routines so that students have maximum number of opportunity to learn

Instructional learning formats

Reflects degree to which teachers maximize students’ engagement and ability to learn by providing interesting activities, instruction, centers, and materials

Instructional support

Concept development

Reflects degree to which instructional discussions and activities promote students’ higher-order thinking skills versus focus on rote and fact-based learning

Quality of feedback

Considers teachers’ provision of feedback focused on expanding learning and understanding (formative evaluation), not correctness or the end product (summative evaluation)

Language modeling

Reflects the quality and amount of teachers’ use of language-stimulation and language-facilitation techniques during individual, small-group, and large-group interactions with children.

  1. Source: Pianta et al. 2008a, 2008b