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Table 8 Robustness checks—migration

From: Medium- and long-term consequences of pollution on labor supply: evidence from Indonesia

Model (dependent variable)

Determinants of migration (migration indicator)

Determinants of labor supply (Hours worked in 2000)



Pollution index in 1997






Sample size



  1. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. Controls included, but not reported for determinants of migration: age, age squared, outside kitchen and water, sex, log of PCE in 1997, and household size. Controls included, but not reported for determinants of labor supply: age, age squared, tenure, tenure squared, education, outside kitchen and water, urban location, sex, hours worked in 1993, and household size
  2. Both models are estimated using OLS. Estimating the determinants of migration with a probit model results in similarly insignificant effects of pollution on migration
  3. *Significant at 10% level; **significant at 5% level; ***significant at 1% level