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Table 1 Relevant instruments, target groups, and intended effects of ALMPs

From: Active labor market programs - employment gain or fiscal drain?

Target area

Category (based on aims)


Targeted workers

Intended effects

Labor Demand

I. Provide Incentives for retaining employment

Work sharing and short work


Reduce outflow from employment

Wage subsidies

Retain labor market attachment

II. Provide Incentives for creating employment


Increase inflow into employment

Hiring subsidies

Increase labor market attachment

Business start-up support

Labor Supply

III. Provide incentives for seeking and keeping a job

In-work benefits, subsidies, tax credits

Insiders and Outsiders

Increase inflow into employment by strengthening work incentives

Reduce outflow from employment

Increase labor market attachment

Provide income support

Public works


Increase inflow into employment by strengthening work incentives

Increase labor market attachment

Provide income support

Activation and Workfare


Increase inflow into employment by strengthening work incentives


IV. Provide incentives for human capital enhancement

On-the-job training

Outsiders and Insiders

Increase inflow into employment

Classroom training

Increase productivity

Improve match quality

Labor Market Matching

V. Improved labor market matching

Job search assistance


Improve job search efficiency

Increase inflow into employment

Employer intermediation services

Outsider and insiders

Improve job search efficiency

Improve match quality

Increase inflow into employment

Counseling and monitoring


Improve job search efficiency

Increase inflow into employment

  1. Note: “Insiders” refer to those who are currently employed, “outsiders” to the unemployed, long-term unemployed, discouraged, informal workers, and inactive.
  2. Source: Authors.