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Table 4 Wage regressions (full sample)

From: The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination







Plant–sex fixed effects

Match fixed effects

Strong product market competition








Female × strong product market competition















  1. Notes: LIAB cross-sectional model, West Germany, 2008–2010. The regressand is the log gross daily wage. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at the plant level. ***/**/* denotes statistical significance at the 1/5/10 per cent level. In Model 1, additional regressors are potential experience and tenure (linearly and squared), dummy variables for joining a plant before 1975, five levels of education, non-German nationality, the shares of female and low-skilled workers in the plant’s workforce, log plant size and its square, dummies for works council existence, a collective agreement at either firm level or sector level, exporting activity, new production technology, plant location in a rural area, one-digit industry, three-digit occupation, and year of observation. Model 2 additionally includes plant–sex fixed effects, whereas Model 3 includes match fixed effects. All regressors are centred around their sample averages and also interacted with the female dummy.